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If you have come to this page, then you are serious about IMPROVING your Musicianship.



Why Take lessons?
It all comes down to what you want. Are you happy with your present level of playing? If yes, then read no further. There is nothing wrong with being content with the level that you are at. But for many musicians, learning is IS the journey. To strive to be a better musician, in whatever form is a major part of why they play.
We all struggle with various aspect of playing, and everyone is capable of learning and improving. A few points to keep in mind:

  1. We all absorb information at different rates.

  2. We are all truly unique and have a unique voice.

  3. You will never be your favourite player, you WILL be the BEST YOU.

  4. We are not in a competition with anyone but ourselves (Really, it's not a competition).

  5. Knowledge is there for anyone who wants it.

  6. We are all on the same road.

  7. You will never know everything.

Why Study with Me?

Lets start with one simple fact. I am on the journey just like you. I have just been seeking information for a longer period. I have sought out some of the best teachers in the world over the years and have gained knowledge. I have taken that information and put it into practice. I STILL STUDY,  I STRIVE TO BE THE BEST OF ME.
To pass on information is what its about. Information is for sharing and everyone will take that information and use it in their own unique way.

You are Unique

Everyone has a their own voice, something to say. But to get your story out into the world you need to have the tools and knowledge to effectively do it. The old line of "practicing and learning gets in the way of my style" just means that someone is not interested in getting better. That's fine, but they have reached the peak of their abilities and will go no further.
New information does get in the way of playing. Why?  Because you cannot use something until you do not have to think about it and some people never get past that point. But to never absorb new abilities is to never progress. To permanently stand still.

All Matter is Vibration 

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein
Music is just nature, vibrations. You are vibrating matter. We humans have come up with a system to understand this phenomenon and to use it to create.  Is it perfect? No. Can we improve it? Yes. But you need to understand it to have the ability to do this.

Begin you journey.

If you want a journey that has no end, then maybe I can take you some of the way. If this sounds like what you are looking for.


contact me via Phone or Email.

phone  +44 (0)7802184698

If you want to request a time for an online lesson please click here 

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